Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3

Equiptment needed: a bike, prefereablly a road bike, jump rope
Location: somewhere with hilly terrain, if possible

This would have been a good workout to wear a heart rate monitor with, but alas, I forgot that.
Our arms were hurting a little bit from swimming so today we focused on lower body again. Unfortunately it didn't really go as planned because we had some bike issues, but we still got a workout in. Here it is:

  1. Bike: 20 minutes in target HR zone
  2. 15 sets of quadriped arm and leg lift- Get down on all fours and alternate lifting opposite arm and leg and holding for 2 seconds- make sure your core is tight while you do it, repeat with the other arm and leg to complete the set
  3. 3 mins of jumping jacks or jumping ropes (or a mix of both)
  4. 15 supermen: Lie on stomach tighten core and lift arms and legs and hold for 3 seconds
  5. Bike: 20 minutes in target HR zone
  6. 3x15 sets of side leg lifts (adductors)
  7. 3 minutes of jumping jacks or jumping ropes (or a mix of both)
  8. 3x15 sets of inner leg lifts (abductors)
  9. cool down biking for 5 minutes

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